What Legal Aspects Should You Know Before Opening a Coffee Shop?

What Legal Aspects Should You Know Before Opening a Coffee Shop

Opening a coffee shop is one of the businesses with the highest turnover, with many opening and closing over the years, even before the “café era.” In addition to income, expenses, and business factors, there are also legal considerations to be aware of before starting a shop. Today, we’ll break it down into sections to

Social Security Employer Rules When need to pay & Penalties

employees-Social Security

Social security is a legal requirement that every employer must register and contribute to for the benefit of their employees. However, it often presents challenges, particularly for employers with a small workforce or limited business income. For these employers, complying with social security regulations can become a financial burden. Today, I’d like to discuss this

No Will, who has received the largest inheritance?

The person who receives the largest inheritance without a specific will is the spouse. When someone passes away without a will, would receive most of the deceased person’s assets, which include both marital assets and inheritance. This applies regardless of whether the inheritance is divided among the surviving spouse, parents, children, or other relatives.