Penalty of being Thief, guilty or settlement?

Penalty of being Thief

Table of Contents

Theft case

Can Theft cases make a compromise?

Prescription of theft case

In theft cases, how many days to report?

Theft case

Theft is the act of taking someone else’s property or property belonging to others, with the intention of possessing it for oneself, to sell it, or to give it to others. The person who commits such an act is guilty of robbery according to Section 334 of the Criminal Code.

The penalty for robbery is imprisonment for not more than 3 years and a fine of not more than 6,000 baht.
If the offender commits the act during night time or in an area affected by fire, explosion, or emergency situation, the person who enters to commit robbery in such area or time shall be subject to a heavier penalty according to Section 335 of the Criminal Code.

Can Theft cases make a compromise?

   The offender in a theft case is considered to have committed the criminal offense of theft, which is a public offence , and cannot plead guilty. Even if there has been restitution or return of the stolen property to the victim, the legal process must continue until the lower court issues a verdict.

   However, if money is returned or restitution is made, it may affect the effect of the case when it reaches the court. The judge will consider the circumstances of the case and how much the offender has relieve the damage to the victim, which may affect the penalty. For instance, it may result in imprisonment, but there could be probation instead. However, this is entirely at the discretion of the court, and we cannot predict how it will be decided.

Prescription of theft case

   According to Section 334 of the Criminal Code, the penalty for theft is imprisonment for not more than 3 years.

   According to Section 335 of the Criminal Code, the punishment for theft is imprisonment for a term ranging from 1 year to 5 years.

   According to the Criminal Code, Section 95 (3), theft cases have a prescription 10 years for offenses punishable by imprisonment ranging from 1 to 7 years.

In theft cases, how many days to report?

   In the case of theft offense, It is considered a public offence so make a compromise is not possible. Even without a police report but if we wish to
report, it must be done within 90 days from the date we become aware that the property was stolen.

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