What case is under DSI’s responsibility?


Special Cases Under DSI’s Jurisdiction These cases fall under the responsibility of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI). They are considered special or complex criminal cases as defined in the Special Investigation Act, B.E. 2547 (2004), as amended in B.E. 2551 (2008), or other cases specified by ministerial regulations upon the recommendation of the Special Cases Committee (SCC). Unlike ordinary cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the police or other agencies, these cases are managed differently due to their complexity.

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The DSI was established to address certain types of criminal cases that are highly complex, requiring specialized investigative expertise. These cases often involve influential individuals or large organizations. Assigning such cases to the DSI ensures impartiality, transparency, and more effective prosecution.

Cases under DSI’s jurisdiction

Generally, cases under DSI’s jurisdiction exhibit the following characteristics:
  • Complex Cases: These involve specialized knowledge for investigation, such as financial crimes, investment fraud, corruption, or cases requiring scientific evidence.
  • Cases with Broad Societal Impact: These affect national security, the economy, or public morality, such as drug trafficking, money laundering, or cases involving large numbers of victims.
  • Cases Involving Influential Figures: These involve individuals with power or influence in society, which could potentially hinder the judicial process.
  • Cases Requiring International Cooperation: These are cross-border crimes or cases that necessitate coordination with foreign agencies.

Conditions for DSI to accept a Case

  • Complexity: The case must be too intricate for other agencies to handle, such as crimes involving multiple offenses or a large number of suspects.
  • Wide Societal Impact: The case must cause significant damage to society, such as economic losses or harm to the country’s reputation.
  • Involvement of Influential Figures: The case involves individuals with significant power or influence, which could pressure the investigation process.
  • International Cooperation: The case involves transnational crimes or requires collaboration with international agencies to collect evidence and apprehend suspects.

Examples of cases by DSI

  • Corruption Cases: Such as fraudulent rice pledging schemes or corruption in government agencies.
  • Money Laundering: Cases involving the concealment or falsification of illicitly obtained funds.
  • Drug Trafficking: Cases related to the production, distribution, and transportation of illegal drugs.
  • Intellectual Property Violations: Cases involving copyright infringement or counterfeit trademarks.
  • Other Complex Crimes: Such as mysterious murders or organized illegal immigration.

**Complete List of cases Under DSI’s Responsibility**


The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) plays a crucial role in handling complex and high-impact criminal cases. By taking responsibility for these cases, the DSI ensures impartiality, transparency, and greater efficiency in the legal process. If you encounter incidents that may fall under DSI’s jurisdiction, you can report them via the DSI hotline or relevant authorities.

Content by Kroek lawyer / Compiled by Champ lawyer

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