Will and Testament
Last Will and Testament for Thai people. In this case, we would like to provide assistance to Thai lady. This lady has business ventures and assets in Thailand. However, due to having worked in America for several years, she is accustomed to having an attorney handle important documents on her behalf, including her lastwillandtestament. Therefore,

Last Will and Testament for Thai people.
In this case, we would like to provide assistance to Thai lady.
This lady has business ventures and assets in Thailand. However, due to having worked in America for several years, she is accustomed to having an attorney handle important documents on her behalf, including her lastwillandtestament.
Therefore, our office has helped her prepare the latest version of the will for the year 2023. Despite frequent international travel, she can now rest assured that her lifelong assets will remain secure after her departure from this world.
We are happy to provide our services.