Returns for used items depend on the seller’s policy and the type of item, but generally, sellers will not accept returns on items that have been used, except in cases where…
It is a criminal case with a high penalty rate, and many victims have filed petitions to oppose the bail of the bosses, leading to the police and judges rejecting the bail requests.
Once the money is received, it will be used first (like borrowing from the fund), and in the next payment, the member must add the auction benefits to the regular installment.
If you have already paid the down payment and encounter issues but wish to avoid breaching the contract, here are two initial steps
“Difference fee” I thought that in the past the installment payment was like renting a car.
If we sue for money from someone who took the money for 300,000 baht, the court fee is 6,000 baht.
Imprisonment arises from the fact that we break the law in a manner that imposes a sentence of imprisonment such as murder, stealing, defamation.
Inheritance manager is a representative of an heir who has the power and duty to dispose of, pay, and transfer inheritance to every heir.
The Office of the Consumer Protection Board, is a government agency under the Office of the Prime Minister. Its purpose is to…